Questions & Answers

Answers to all those Pilates questions you may be wondering about!

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Q What's the difference between Yoga and Pilates?

Answer: Yoga and Pilates are similar, they both help increase strength. Yoga focuses on breathing, strength and flexibility wheras Pilates focuses on toning your body, improving posture and movement.

Q Just what is Pilates?

Answer: Pilates is a form of low impact exercise and is full-body, helping you do everything better.

Q Is Pilates good for weight loss?

Answer: Practising Pilates regularly as part of a varied exercise routine can help you lose weight. Provided your energy output is higher than your energy input.

Q Is Pilates good for Arthritis?

Answer: Pilates can help reduce stiffness, improve muscle mobility, stability, flexibility and strength.

Q What does Pilates do for you?

Answer: Increased sport and activities performance. Helping to balance your body and develop muscular symmetry with reduced likelihood of injuries. Reduced stress and anxiety. Muscles take on tension causing stress on you body, Pilates can help you relieve that tension and help relaxation.

Q What are the main benefits of Pilates?

Answer: You will have a greater range of flexibility, motion and you will have increased opportunity to achieve more. You will have a better body awareness, improved posture, breathing technique, increased stamina, reduced stress and better mindfulness and concentration.

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